Cooped (2014)
Digital media
A sofa-bound dog is shocked to discover that a whole world lies outside the door— the maddening, unbreakable door.
Missionary (2005)
Pencil, crayon
Geopolitical slapstick on the impact of empire, featuring eggs and fearsome hand-on-
stick technology.
Hominid (2004)
Brush & ink, digital paint
Resurrected from fossils, an extinct primate meets modern life and tries sorting out the line between human and animal.
Theology (2003)
Brush & ink, pencil, watercolor crayon
A spoof of the ways in which humanity answers the big questions, from Neolithic Europe to Polynesia to the Fertile Crescent.
Lithos (2002)
Brush & ink, sand, pencil, stop-motion objects
A cobble tool outlasts the Stone Age.
King Dog (2002)
Fetch and megalomania. |